Fully skilled workforce, able to produce high quality goods in Mild Steel, Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Brass and Copper
Dero are pleased to process customer requirements from verbal information, basic sketches or full working drawings in most popular formats.
8kW Mazak Fiber Laser Cutting Machine, operated by the latest edition of Radan enables us to converse in most popular formats.
We are able to process to customer specifications:
- Mild Steel up to 25mm Thick
- Aluminium up to 30mm Thick
- Stainless Steel up to 30mm Thick
- Brass up to 15mm Thick
- Copper up to 15mm Thick
All up to 3000 x 1500 Sheet Size
Dero have the experience to supply finished goods, as required by the customer.
- Powder coating
- Galvanising
- Polishing
- Glass Bead Blasting
- Plating
- Anodising
- Chemical Blacking
- Bespoke finishes
Dero are happy to provide local delivery of our finished products.
Identification and packing of finished products to reduce the risk of damage during transport and enabling easy identification.
Dero are happy to help customers get ideas and products off the ground. We are able to discuss design, manufacture and develop prototypes, seeing the product through to full manufacture.
Dero Fabrication Ltd, Unit 67, Blackpole Trading Estate West, Worcester, WR3 8TJ
www.dero.co.uk sales@dero.co.uk
Traditional skills, complemented by new technology.
©2007 - 2020 Dero Fabrication Limited All Rights Reserved
Dero have the equipment and experience to offer bead blasting within our purpose built facility. The finish is popular within the food and pharmaceutical industries; our facility is dedicated to Stainless Steel and only use 100% glass bead, eliminating the risk of cross contamination, the unit is capable of coping with items ranging for small brackets and laser cuts to large frames and cabinets.